Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mother of THREE!!

wow...i must say being the mother of three is crazy! I LOVE it....and LOVE each of my amazing children....but i find that they WEAR ME OUT! I have been noticing how my patience has a much harder time lasting till the very END of the day. By the time dinner is done....i am running on reserves these days. i don't know how moms can find enough one on one time with there children (when they have more then one..or two). I really cherish the individual moments i get with my little kids... they are precious to me- as days are filled with running around, cleaning, shopping, meal preparation, time outs, dance class, school, and just being exausted! It is hard to live up to my own personal standards of striving to be a great mom. But i tell you what--- it is so worth every bit of exaustion...to feel the LOVE of my tiny precious children...who are SO dependant on me for everything! The love i feel for each of them- individualy- is mind-blowing! They each are wrapped around my heart in the most incredible way--- really....being a mom may be crazy but how blessed i feel to hold this role and have this opportunity!

Saturday, December 13, 2008